Car accessories are subordinate things that are used to contribute to a car's beauty or belong to a part that serves a purpose. Here, we have listed all the essential accessories for a car.
Essential Accessories For Car

Other Useful Accessories For Car

Seat Cover (सीट के कवर)
A seat cover is a piece of textile or leather in the shape of a seat. It protects the seat from dirt and debris.
Floor Mats (पायदान)
A floor mat is a piece of fabric that is placed on the vehicle's floor. A floor mat protects the vehicle's floor from dirt.
Car Charger (इलेट्रॉनिक युक्तियाँ चार्ज करने वाला चार्जर)
A car charger is a device that is used to charge various electronic devices (phone, tablet, etc.).
Phone Mount (फ़ोन रखने का स्टैंड)
It is a stand used to hold mobile phones on top of the dashboard or the windshield.
Air Freshener (वायुस्वच्छक)
It is a device that emits fragrance in the air. It helps to reduce bad odor inside the car.
Napkin (कागज के रुमाल)
A napkin is a piece of fabric or paper. It is used to wipe hands or dirt from a surface.
Microfiber Cloth (सूक्ष्म रेशायुक्त कपड़ा)
It is a piece of cloth, made from microfibers. It is used to clean dust and dirt from a surface.
Fog Light (धुंध में उपयोग होने वाली प्रकाश युक्ति)
A fog light is a device that emits a high beam of light. It is used to increase visibility at the front of the car in foggy weather.
Tyre Inflator (टायर में हवा भरने वाला यंत्र)
It is an electric device used to put air into the car tires.
GPS Tracker (उपग्रह खोजी यंत्र)
It is an electronic device used to identify the current location of the vehicle.
Gear Lock (गियर में लगने वाला लॉक)
A gear lock is also known as a parking pawl. It is used to lock the transmission of the vehicle.
Car Cover (कार ढकने वाला कपड़ा)
A car cover is a piece of fabric in the shape of a car. It is used to cover the car body. It protects the car paint from the sun, rain, and storm.
GPS Navigator (उपग्रह नाविक)
It is an electronic device with a screen. It is used to navigate the path. It shows the vehicle's position on a digital map.
Non-Slip Dashboard Mat (नियंत्रण-पट्ट पर रखी जाने वाली फिसलन-रोधी चटाई)
It is a piece of fabric used to put things on it. It provides a non-slippery surface.
Organizer Bags For Trunk (सामग्री रखने के बड़े थैले)
An organizer bag is a textile bag that is used to organize things. Organizer bags help the driver manage the things in the car's trunk.
Seat Cushion (सीट पर रखी जाने वाली गद्दी)
A seat cushion is a soft bag stuffed with soft materials. It provides comfort for long drives.
Neck Cushion (गर्दन के पीछे लगायी जाने वाली गद्दी)
A neck cushion is a soft bag in a curved shape or c-shape. It provides comfort for the rider's neck and shoulder contours.
Seat Belt Cushion (सीट पेटी पर लगायी जाने वाली गद्दी)
A seat belt cushion is a straight soft bag that can be attached to the seat belt. It helps the kids or riders to sleep by resting their heads on it.
Electric Coffee Warmer (विद्युत चालित कॉफ़ी गर्म करने का यंत्र)
It is an electric device that is used to warm drinkables. Riders can warm their tea, coffee, soup, etc. in it.
Trash Can (कूड़ादान)
It is a waste container. It is used to hold the waste items temporarily. It helps us to avoid littering on the roads.
Seat's Back Side Organizer (सीट के पीछे लटकने वाला आयोजक थैला)
It is a hanging bag with multiple pockets. It is used to store water bottles, eatables, or drinkables for the backseat riders.
Bumper Guards (बम्पर रक्षक पट्टियाँ)
A bumper guard can be a reinforced rubber strap or a metal frame. It protects car bumpers from accidental scratches or permanent damage.
Dashboard Camera (नियंत्रण-पट्ट पर लगने वाली चलचित्र युक्ति)
It is a camera that can be placed on the dashboard or windshield. It is used to record events in front of the car.
Reverse Camera And Sensor (कार के पीछे लगने वाली चलचित्र युक्ति व् कृत्रिम ज्ञानेंद्री)
It is also known as a parking camera. It is attached to the rear of the car with a distance-measuring sensor. It helps the drivers to park the car by transmitting the rear view of the backside of the car.
Window Visors (खिड़कियों पर लगने वाले छज्जे)
A window visor is also known as a window deflector. It protects the rain and other particles from getting inside the car if the window is slightly opened.
Door Guards (द्वार रक्षक)
A door guard is a reinforced rubber strap. It protects the car door from accidental scratches at the opening of the door.
Jumper Cables (विद्युत संचालन में उपयोग होने वाले तार)
A jumper cable is an electric cable. It is used to transfer current between two road vehicles (In case of battery discharge of a vehicle).