Basic Appliances For Kitchen

Kitchen appliances are very useful products. They help us with cooking and minimizes our efforts. Electrical appliances also reduce the time-consuming process of cuisine preparation. Here we have selected very useful appliances for your kitchen.

Induction Stove (विधुत संचालित अनुगम चूल्हा)

An induction stove or cooktop contains a copper coil. It allows direct induction heating, a very rapid and instantaneous temperature change. It is a clean way to cook food.

Instant Pot (खाना बनाने का विधुत संचालित भगोना)

The instant pot is a multicooker. It is combined with pressure cooking and slow cooking features. You can cook rice, lentils, and almost every regular meal recipe.

Coffee Maker (कॉफ़ी बनाने की मशीन)

A coffee maker is a machine that is used to brew the coffee.

Dough Maker (आटा गूंदने की मशीन)

A dough maker is a machine. It is used to mix flour and water thoroughly to make a thick paste.

Electric Griddle (विधुत संचालित तवा)

The electric griddle is used to bake fresh bread or roti, dosa, etc. It converts electricity into heat to bake the bread. 

Toaster (ब्रेड सेकने की मशीन)

A toaster is a small electrical appliance. It is used to toast the bread slices with radiant heat.

Electric Kettle (विधुत संचालित केतली)

The electric kettle is mainly used to boil water and milk. It converts electrical energy into heat and boils the liquid.

Mixer Grinder (खाद्य मिलाने व् पीसने की मशीन)

A mixer grinder is used to grind spices, coffee, etc. 

Juicer (जूस बनाने की मशीन)

The juicer is good for taking juice out of fruits or vegetables instantly. Fruits or vegetable juice rejuvenates your body instantly.

Refrigerator (प्रशीतक)

The refrigerator is used to maintain a lower temperature of around 4-5°C. It is used to store eatable items and increases their life span.

Chopper (सब्जी काटने का यंत्र)

The chopper is used to chop vegetables, grind spices, coffee beans, etc. It is a bit different from a mixer-grinder. A mixer-grinder can also make a powder of the things while a chopper only cuts them into bigger parts.

Air Fryer (गर्म हवा द्वारा खाद्य भुनने की मशीन)

The air fryer uses no oil to fry food. It uses hot air and circulates it inside the container to cook food.

Flour Mill (आटा चक्की)

A flour mill is used to make fresh flour from wheat. It is a good practice to eat fresh flour because it retains all the necessary nutrients. 

Bread Maker (ब्रेड बनाने की मशीन)

A bread maker is an electrical kitchen appliance. It turns raw ingredients into baked bread.

Microwave Oven (विधुत संचालित माइक्रो-तरंग तंदूर)

A microwave oven uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This heat is used to bake, heat, or cook the food.

Water Purifier (पेयजल साफ़ करने की मशीन)

A water purifier is a device that consists of filters. It is used to purify water impurities.

Yogurt Maker (योगर्ट बनाने की मशीन)

A yogurt maker is an electrical appliance. It is used to make different yogurt flavors.

Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt Maker (आइसक्रीम बनाने की मशीन)

A frozen yogurt maker is an electrical appliance that is used to make ice creams and different types of frozen yogurts.

Pie Iron/Sandwich Maker (ब्रेड कचौड़ी सेकने वाली मशीन)

A pie iron or sandwich maker is used to heat and toast sandwiches. 

Egg Boiler (विधुत संचालित अंडे उबालने का यंत्र)

An egg boiler is an electric appliance. It is used to boil several eggs in one go.

Milk Frother (दूध फेंटने का यंत्र)

The milk frother also known as foam maker is used to froth the milk. Froth milk is mainly used in coffee.

Kitchen Chimney (रसोई के धुँए को आकाश में छोड़ने वाली चिमनी)

The kitchen chimney is also known as the kitchen hood. It is a ventilation system for fume extraction using an electric fan, placed inside the hood.