Basic Products For Bodybuilding Sport

Bodybuilding sport is usually a type of resistance workout. It is used to develop muscles. Here, we have listed all the basic products for bodybuilding sport.

Dumbbells (छोटी छड़ से बंधे दो वजनदार प्लेट का समूह)

A dumbbell consists of two weighted heads that are attached to a small straight rod. It is used to do the exercise using hands.

Straight Barbell (लंबी छड़)

The straight barbell is a long straight bar (3 ft to 35ft). It is used to attach two weighted plates at both ends and to do the exercise using hands (chest & biceps exercise).

Curl Barbell (आढ़ी-तिरछी छड़)

The curl barbell is a zig-zag bar (4ft to 8ft). It is used to attach two weighted plates at both ends and to do the exercise using hands (mainly bicep curl exercise).

Tricep Barbell (आयताकार छड़)

It is a rectangular-shaped bar that consists of two small straight bars at both ends. It is used to attach two weighted plates at both ends and to do tricep exercise.

Weight Plates (वजनदार प्लेट)

A weight plate is a circular solid heavy plate that is made of rubber, iron, etc. It is used as a weighted head on both sides of a straight barbell, curl barbell, tricep barbell, etc.

Exercise Ball (व्यायाम गेंद)

The exercise ball is a soft and circular object that is usually 30cm to 90cm in diameter and filled with air. It is used as a flexible surface to do exercise.

Adjustable Bench (समायोजक तख्त)

It consists of an adjustable flat top that is placed on top of a stand. It is used to place the back inclined, declined, or in a flat position while doing exercise.

Incline Bench Press (ऊपर की तरफ उठी हुई तख़्त)

It consists of a flat long seat that is placed at an angle of 45°. It also consists of a stand that is used to place a straight barbell at multiple heights. It is mainly used to do chest exercises.

Flat Bench Press (सीधी तख़्त)

It consists of a flat long seat (placed at an angle of 0°) and a stand to place the straight barbell at multiple heights. It is used for chest and biceps exercises.

Kettlebells (ठोस, हैंडलयुक्त गोले)

A kettlebell is a solid, circular, and heavy object with a handle at its top. It is mainly used for hand exercises.

AB Roller Wheel (एबी पहिया)

The AB roller wheel is a wheel that consists of two handles that are attached to its axis on both sides. It is used for abdominal exercises.

Stationary Bike (अचल साइकिल)

A stationary bike consists of a handle, a saddle, and a pair of pedals. It doesn't have a rear-wheel and placed on a stand. It is used for leg exercises.

Machine With Pulleys (पुलियुक्त मशीन)

It consists of a flat seat, multiple pulleys, weights, and handles. The handles are attached to the weights by strings (going over the pulleys). It is used for chest, hands, and back exercises.

Leg Curl Extension (कूल्हे व् घुटने मजबूत करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाली व्यायाम तख़्त)

It consists of an adjustable bench and two small padded fixed bars (to place the legs securely). It is used for hamstring and abdominal exercises.

Lkey Dumbbells (२०० किलो अथवा उससे अधिक वजन वाले डंबल)

It is a heavy-duty dumbbell (appx. 200kg or more). It is mainly used for advanced biceps, triceps, and chest exercises.

Curl Bench (डोले-व्यायाम तख़्त)

It consists of a flat small seat, a tricep post, and a stand to place the straight barbell at a certain height. It is mainly used for biceps exercises.

Leg Press (टाँग-व्यायाम तख़्त)

It consists of a fixed footrest and a movable part for the upper body. These parts are placed on top of an inclined stand. It is mainly used for leg exercises.

Hack Squat (शरीर के निचले हिस्से को मजबूत बनाने के लिए उपयोग होने वाली व्यायाम तख़्त)

It consists of a fixed inclined seat (used to place the back) and a movable footrest (usually inclined at an angle of 45°). These parts are placed on top of a fixed inclined stand. It is used for leg exercises.

Pull Up Bars (लटक-व्यायाम छड़)

It is usually a straight bar with two declined handles. It is usually mounted on a wall or a fixed stand. It is used to pull the bodyweight up using hands.

Protein Powder (प्रोटीन खाद्य)

It is a powdered dietary supplement. It is used to repair broken protein cells (due to resistance exercises).

Water Bottle (पानी की बोतल)

It is used to carry water and rehydrate the body while bodybuilding.

Jockstrap (चुस्त अधो-वस्त्र)

It is tight-fit underwear (for males). It is used to support genital organs and muscles during vigorous activities or resistance exercises.

Weight Belt (चौड़ी कमर-पेटी)

It is a wide strap that is tied around the waist. It is used to support abdominal and back muscles during weight lifting.