Judo-Karate sport is usually played by two opposing players. It is a combination of defensive and offensive martial art. It requires belts, safety gear, shoes, etc. Here, we have listed all the basic products for judo-karate sport.
Essential products for Judo-Karate Sport
Belts (कमर-पेटियाँ)
Mats (गद्देदार चटाई)
Tape (जोड़ों पर लगायी जाने वाली पट्टी)
Uniform (वेशभूषा)
Headgear (सर सुरक्षा कवच)
Mouthguard (मुँख सुरक्षा कवच)
Elbow Pad (कोहनी सुरक्षा कवच)
Chest Protector (छाती सुरक्षा कवच)
Shin Pads (टाँग सुरक्षा कवच)
Protective Cup (जननांग सुरक्षा कवच)
Gloves (दस्ताने)
Punching Bag (मुक्केबाजी के लिए उपयोग होने वाला थैला)
Nunchucks (जंजीर से जुड़े दो हत्थे)
Target Pads (हाथ में पकड़ा जाने वाला गद्देदार पटल)
Shoes (जूते)
Bag (सामान रखने वाला थैला)
Other useful products for Judo-Karate Sport
Dummy (पुतला)
Hand Guard (हाथ सुरक्षा कवच)
Water Bottle (पानी की बोतल)
Belts (कमर-पेटियाँ)
A Judo-Karate belt is usually a flexible strap that is made of fabric. There are a total of 9 belts of different colors used in Judo-Karate sport. These are used to represent the player's skill level.
Mats (गद्देदार चटाई)
A mat (used in Judo-Karate) is a padded flat surface. It is used to protect the players from impacts and injuries.
Tape (जोड़ों पर लगायी जाने वाली पट्टी)
It is a thin long strap used to protect the finger joints from ligament injuries.
Uniform (वेशभूषा)
The Judo-Karate uniform is a combination of upper-body and lower-body garments. It is used to cover the player's body while practicing Judo-Karate.
Headgear (सर सुरक्षा कवच)
It is usually a padded headcover that is made of foam. It is used to protect the head from the impacts of opponent players.
Mouthguard (मुँख सुरक्षा कवच)
It is an impact-resistant cover for the gums and teeth. It is used to protect the gums and teeth from the punches of opponent players.
Elbow Pad (कोहनी सुरक्षा कवच)
It is a hard impact-resistant cover for the elbow. It protects the elbow from abrasion and the impacts of falls.
Chest Protector (छाती सुरक्षा कवच)
The chest protector used in judo karate is usually a padded cover (made of foam). It is used to protect the chest from kicks and punches of opponent players.
Shin Pads (टाँग सुरक्षा कवच)
The shin pad is a padded protective cover for the lower leg. It is used to protect the lower leg from the impacts of kicks.
Protective Cup (जननांग सुरक्षा कवच)
A protective cup is a strong impact-resistant cover for the men's genital organs. It is used to protect the men's genital organs from the impacts of kicks and punches.
Gloves (दस्ताने)
The Judo-Karate gloves are padded covers for the hands. These are used to keep the hand bones safe from injuries.
Punching Bag (मुक्केबाजी के लिए उपयोग होने वाला थैला)
It is a long cylindrical bag filled with foam, gravel, etc. It is used to practice punches and kicks.
Nunchucks (जंजीर से जुड़े दो हत्थे)
It is a type of weapon that consists of two handles attached together with a chain. It is used as a striking weapon.
Target Pads (हाथ में पकड़ा जाने वाला गद्देदार पटल)
It is usually a square or rectangular padded surface that is made of foam. It is used by the opponent player to hold in the hand so that the other player can practice kicks.
Shoes (जूते)
The Judo-Karate shoes are usually slip-on low-ankle fabric shoes with a flat outsole.
Bag (सामान रखने वाला थैला)
It is usually a cylindrical bag with a shoulder strap and zip closure at the top. It is used to store and carry Judo-Karate equipment.
Dummy (पुतला)
It is a padded human-shaped object that is made of foam. It is used to practice kicks and punches.
Hand Guard (हाथ सुरक्षा कवच)
It is a padded protective cover for the wrist and palm. It usually consists of half a finger and is used to protect the hands from ligament injuries.
Water Bottle (पानी की बोतल)
The water bottle is a handheld cylindrical reservoir. It is used to store water and rehydrate the body while practicing Judo-Karate.