Basic Products For Knitting

Knitting is a process to create textiles or fabrics. It is used to manipulate threads or yarn to create the fabric. There are some tools and materials that are needed to start knitting. Here you can find all the essential products that are needed for knitting.

Knitting Needles (बुनाई करने वाली सुइयाँ)

The knitting needles are hand-held tools that are used to knit fabric by hand. The knitting needles can be circular or straight. Circular needles are used to produce tubular pieces while straight needles work back and forth.

Sewing Needles (सिलाई करने वाली सुइयाँ)

The sewing needles are straight metallic rods with a hole(an eye) at one end and a sharp pointed tip at the other. Sewing needles are used to sew, join pieces of knitted fabric.

Yarn (धागे)

The yarn is a piece of long interlocked fibers. It is used to make textiles, clothes, knitted fabric.

Wool (ऊन)

The wool is a piece of textile fiber that is used to make warm fabric, clothes. Wool is mostly obtained from sheep, goats, etc.

Stitch Markers (एक पंक्ति में कुछ गिने हुए टाँकों को चिह्नित करने वाला उपकरण)

The stitch marker is used to mark or identify certain stitches in a row. It also helps to identify repeats in a knitting pattern.

Stitch Gauge (टाँके व् पंक्तियाँ गिनने वाला उपकरण)

A stitch gauge is a hand-held tool with cutout windows on one side and a ruler at the other. It helps to measure rows and stitches at ease.

Stitch Holders (कुछ टाँकों को एक साथ बाँधने वाला उपकरण)

The stitch holders are used to clamp a certain number of stitches together. It helps to create patterns in knitting.

Thread Cutter (धागे काटने का उपकरण)

A thread cutter is a hand-held tool. It is used to cut yarn, wool, or a group of stitches.

Scissor (कैंची)

A scissor is a cutting tool that cuts the yarn, wool, or fabric per requirements.

Swift and Ball Winder (उलझी हुई ऊन को सुलझाकर गोला बनाने वाला उपकरण)

Swift is an umbrella-like frame that spins freely if you pull the yarn from a yarn hank. It is used to hold the yarn hank. A ball winder is a spindle that is used to wrap the yarn ball.

Knitting Spool (बुनाई करने में सहायक खूँटीदार उपकरण)

A knitting spool is a hand tool with pegs. It helps to make a tubular shape knitting.

Measuring Tape (नापने का फीता)

The measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It helps to mark or measure the length of fabric.

Needle Threader (सुई में धागा डालने का उपकरण)

A needle threader helps to put the thread through the hole (an eye) of a needle.

Needle Gauge (बुनाई वाली सुईयों की मोटाई नापने का उपकरण)

A needle gauge is a hand tool with cutout windows. It helps to identify the size of a knitting needle.

Row Counter (बुनी हुई पंक्तियाँ गिनने में सहायक उपकरण)

A row counter is helpful in keeping track of the number of different colour knit rows.

Needle Caps (बुनाई की सुईयों के अग्रभाग को ढकने वाली रबर)

A needle cap is a small rubber cap that is used to cover pointed ends of the knitting needles.

Bobbins (धागा लपेटने का ढाँचा)

A bobbin is a cylinder of a frame that is used to wrap yarn, thread, etc.

Yarn Bowl (धागे के गोले रखने का पात्र)

A yarn bowl is an open round shaped bowl with a cutout that is used to hold the working yarn.

Yarn Guide (ऊन के दो धागों को एक साथ पकड़ने में सहायक उपकरण)

A yarn guide is a special shape ring with two hooks. It can be worn in a finger. It is helpful to hold two colors of yarn or wool at the same time.