Basic Products For Poultry Farm

A poultry farm is a facility that is used for egg production (mainly chicken eggs). It requires some equipment, housing, medicines, etc. to run the egg production smoothly. Here, we have listed all the basic products for poultry farm.

Essential Products for Poultry Farm

Housing (मुर्गी-घर)
Feeders (मुर्गियों को भोजन देने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले पात्र)
Watering Equipment (मुर्गियों को पानी पिलाने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)
Brooding Equipment (अंडे देने व् सेने के लिए उपयुक्त वातावरण तैयार करने वाले उपकरण)
Egg Laying Products (अंडे देने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)
Egg Handling Products (अण्डों के रख-रखाव के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)
Measuring Equipment (मात्रा मापने वाले उपकरण)
Cleaning Equipment (सफाई करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)

Other Useful Products for Poultry Farm

Incubators (अंडे सेने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)
Fencing (चारदीवारी)

Housing (मुर्गी-घर)

It is a residential unit for chickens. It can be a concrete house, wood house, cage, etc. It should have proper ventilation, a heating system, coup boxes, large windows, a lighting system, etc.

Feeders (मुर्गियों को भोजन देने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले पात्र)

A feeder is a unit that is used to feed the chickens (usually in groups).
Types of feeders:
Manual Feeder
Linear Feeder
Automatic Feeder
Circular Feeder

Watering Equipment (मुर्गियों को पानी पिलाने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)

It is a collection of equipment that is used to supply water to the chickens.
Types of Watering Equipment:
Water Filters
Water Softener
Water Jar
Water Basin
Manual Drinker
Nipple Drinker
Water Heaters

Brooding Equipment (अंडे देने व् सेने के लिए उपयुक्त वातावरण तैयार करने वाले उपकरण)

It is a collection of equipment that is used to create an ambient environment for the chickens to lay or incubate their eggs.
Brooding Equipment:
Electric Brooder
Chick Guard
Infrared Bubs

Egg Laying Products (अंडे देने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)

There are a collection of products (such as nest boxes, laying nests, etc.) that are used to provide a comfortable living area for the chickens to lay their eggs.

Egg Handling Products (अण्डों के रख-रखाव के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)

Chicken eggs are delicate and can crack easily. They should be handled carefully while changing their location. There are some products that help the farmers to handle them easily.
Egg Handling Products:
Egg Trays
Vaccum Lift
Egg Nests

Measuring Equipment (मात्रा मापने वाले उपकरण)

It is a collection of handheld instruments and electronic devices that are used to measure the eggs and chickens.
Measuring equipment:
Egg Scale
Weight Balance
Weight Balance

Cleaning Equipment (सफाई करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)

Cleaning equipment is used to clean the dirt and debris of the poultry farm. Cleaning equipment helps to maintain hygiene inside the poultry farm. Explore"Cleaning products for home".
Cleaning equipment:
Bow Rake
Flame Gun
Water Hose Pipe
Rake Handle
Water Hose Pipe

Incubators (अंडे सेने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उत्पाद)

Incubators are usually electric machines that are used for hatching chicken eggs.
Setter Machine
Vertical Fan Incubator
Compressed Air Incubator

Fencing (चारदीवारी)

It is a type of boundary that is usually made of metal net. It helps to control the chicken's movements and also protects them from dogs, cats, and other animals.