Common Types of Fertilizer

A fertilizer is a natural or industrial material that contains essential nutrients for plant growth. There are various types of fertilizers available in the market. Here, we have listed common types of fertilizer that are essential for plant growth. 

Common Types of Fertilizer

Organic Fertilizer (जैविक उर्वरक)
Nitrogen Fertilizer (नाइट्रोजन उर्वरक)
DAP Fertilizer (डी.ए.पी. उर्वरक)
Potassium Fertilizer (पोटैशियम उर्वरक)
NPK Fertilizer (एन.पी.के. उर्वरक)

Other Types of Fertilizer

Zinc Fertilizer (जिंक उर्वरक)
CMS Fertilizer (सी.एम्.एस. उर्वरक)

Organic Fertilizer (जैविक उर्वरक)

Organic fertilizer can be any natural material that contains nutrients (such as calcium, magnesium, etc.). It can be:
Animal waste
Kitchen waste
Combination of animal waste, humus, and kitchen waste
NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium fertilizer extracted from natural resources)

Nitrogen Fertilizer (नाइट्रोजन उर्वरक)

It is an industrial fertilizer (such as Urea). It is only used to supply nitrogen content to the soil or water.

DAP Fertilizer (डी.ए.पी. उर्वरक)

It is also known as Diammonium Phosphate fertilizer. It is an industrial fertilizer and most widely used in the world. It is made by reacting phosphorus with ammonia in a controlled manner. It has high nutritional value than other industrial fertilizers.

Potassium Fertilizer (पोटैशियम उर्वरक)

A potassium fertilizer consists of two or three types of nutrients (generally sulfur, magnesium). It is an industrial fertilizer that contains potassium chloride, or potassium sulfate, or potassium nitrate.

NPK Fertilizer (एन.पी.के. उर्वरक)

It is a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is an industrial fertilizer made by reaction and combination of various nutrients.

Zinc Fertilizer (जिंक उर्वरक)

It can be organic or inorganic fertilizer. Zinc oxide and zinc sulfate (inorganic, industrial) are the most widely used fertilizers. It is used to supply micronutrients to the soil or water.

CMS Fertilizer (सी.एम्.एस. उर्वरक)

It is a combination of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur with some other nutrients. It is an essential secondary fertilizer after NPK. Decomposed humus and animal waste provide organic CMS to the soil while industrial CMS is inorganic fertilizers.