Common Types of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is a combination of supplements, minerals, vitamins, protein, and other organic elements that helps to improve body stamina and performance. Here, we have listed all the common types of sports nutrition.

Common Types of Sports Nutrition

Creatine (आंतरिक बल बढ़ाने वाला चूर्ण)
Whey Protein (प्रोटीन का चूर्ण)
Whole Grains (साबुत अनाज)
Fruits (फल)
Eggs (अंडे)

Other Types of Sports Nutrition

Energy Bars (सम्पूर्ण आहार)
Energy Drinks (ऊर्जादायी पेय)
Roasted Nuts and Seeds (भुने हुए मेवे तथा बीज)

Creatine (आंतरिक बल बढ़ाने वाला चूर्ण)

It is an organic substance that helps to develop ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in muscles. It improves brain health, workload capacity, cell signaling, and reduces protein breakdown.

Whey Protein (प्रोटीन का चूर्ण)

It is made of whey (watery portion extracted from curd or cheese). It usually consists of all the amino acids that are required for muscle building. It helps to improve muscle strength and athletic performance.

Whole Grains (साबुत अनाज)

These are usually cereals and grains that consist of germ (seed's nutrient-rich fetus), bran (healthy outer layer), and endosperm (germ's food). These are usually rich in iron, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, etc., and helps to improve overall health.
Types of Whole Grains:
Whole Wheat
Whole Soyabean
Whole Gram
Whole Barley
Whole Oats
Pearl Millet
Note: First, roast the whole grains then eat.

Fruits (फल)

These are usually sweet or sour edible organic elements of trees. These are rich in dietary fibers and vitamins and helps to improve overall health.
Types of Fruits:
Mango (Eat with milk)
Banana (Eat with milk)

Eggs (अंडे)

These are usually laid by female animals such as chickens, fish, or birds. Chicken eggs are generally used to improve muscle mass.

Energy Bars (सम्पूर्ण आहार)

These are usually made of cereals and nuts. These are protein-rich supplement bars that are helpful for instant energy after a workout.

Energy Drinks (ऊर्जादायी पेय)

Energy drinks are drinkables that provide instant energy. These are helpful to recover from an intense workout.

Roasted Nuts and Seeds (भुने हुए मेवे तथा बीज)

These are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers and help to improve overall health.