Basic Products For Honey Bee Farm

A honey bee farm is a facility that is used for honey production in a large quantity. It requires housing, feeder, storage jars, etc. Here, we have listed all the basic products for honey bee farm.

Essential Products for Honey Bee Farm

Bee Hive (मधुमक्खी-घर)
Bee Hive Frame (मधुमक्खी-घर में लगने वाला ढाँचा)
Hive Tool (ढाँचा साफ़ करने वाला उपकरण)
Feeder (मधुमक्खियों को खाना खिलाने वाला उपकरण)
Bee Suit (मधुमक्खी सुरक्षा वस्त्र)
Gloves (दस्ताने)
Boots (जूत)
Smoker (धुआँ उत्सर्जित करने वाला उपकरण)
Oils (तेल)
Sugar (चीनी)
Jar (काँच के जार)
Weight Balance (वजन नापने वाला उपकरण)
Cleaning Equipment (सफाई करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)

Other Useful Products for Honey Bee Farm

Queen Marker (रानी को चिन्हित करने वाला उत्पाद)
Queen Excluder (रानी को मधुमक्खियों से अलग करने वाला उत्पाद)
Bee Brush (मधुमक्खियों के झुंड को हटाने वाला मुलायम ब्रश)

Bee Hive (मधुमक्खी-घर)

A bee hive is a small closed rectangular box made of wood. It consists of multiple frame drawers that are used to build hives by the bees.

Bee Hive Frame (मधुमक्खी-घर में लगने वाला ढाँचा)

It is usually a rectangular wooden frame that is generally placed inside the bee hives. It is used by the bees to develop hives.

Hive Tool (ढाँचा साफ़ करने वाला उपकरण)

It is a flat metal strip that is attached to a handle. It cuts, scrapes, or detaches combs from the hives.

Feeder (मधुमक्खियों को खाना खिलाने वाला उपकरण)

A feeder can be a bucket or a wooden frame with multiple flat strips. It is generally used to hold the mixture of sugar and water to feed the bees.

Bee Suit (मधुमक्खी सुरक्षा वस्त्र)

It is a full-body garment made of cotton canvas or mesh. It is used to protect the bee keeper's body from bee bites.

Gloves (दस्ताने)

The gloves are handwear garments used to protect the bee keeper's hands from bee bites.

Boots (जूत)

These are usually high-ankle boots that are made of rubber. These are used to protect the bee keeper's feet from bee bites, dirt, and debris.

Smoker (धुआँ उत्सर्जित करने वाला उपकरण)

It is usually a handheld tool that consists of a metallic cylinder with a small nozzle at the top. It is used to squirt smoke on the bee hives to shoo away angry bees.

Oils (तेल)

The oils used in beekeeping are usually made of lemon, lavender, spearmint, etc. These are used to attract bees to swarm boxes.

Sugar (चीनी)

It is a sweet and soluble carbohydrate used with water to feed the bees.

Jar (काँच के जार)

It is usually a handheld cylindrical glass container. It is used to store the honey.

Weight Balance (वजन नापने वाला उपकरण)

It is usually an electronic device used to measure the weight of the honey (collected from the bee hives).

Cleaning Equipment (सफाई करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)

Cleaning equipment is used to clean the bee farm and to maintain hygiene inside the farm. Explore"Cleaning products for home".
Cleaning equipment:

Queen Marker (रानी को चिन्हित करने वाला उत्पाद)

A queen marker consists of bright ink used to mark the hindquarters of the bee queen. This helps to identify the queen by just looking at the bee swarm.

Queen Excluder (रानी को मधुमक्खियों से अलग करने वाला उत्पाद)

It is usually a flat see-through screen that is placed on top of the brood box. It only restricts the queen (to lay eggs inside the honey super) but allows the workers to access the honey super.

Bee Brush (मधुमक्खियों के झुंड को हटाने वाला मुलायम ब्रश)

It is usually made of soft bristles that are attached to a handle. It is used to gently remove bee swarms.