A rabbit farm is a facility that is used for the production and care of rabbits. It requires housing, veterinary equipment, fodder, etc. Here, we have listed all the basic products for rabbit farm.
Essential Products for Rabbit Farm

Other Useful Products for Rabbit Farm

Housing (खरगोश-घर)
It is usually a covered area that is generally made of steel trusses and sheets. It is used to provide shelter for rabbits.
Feeders (खरगोशों को खाना खिलाने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)
These are usually small curved containers that are used to hold fodder, hay, etc. for rabbits.
Types of Feeders:
• Circular Feeder
• Linear Feeder
• Automatic Feeder
Watering Equipment (खरगोशों को पानी पिलाने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)
It is a collection of water channels, nipple drinkers, water tanks, etc. that are used to supply drinking water to rabbits.
Watering Equipment:
• Water Filters
• Water Pumps
• Nipple Drinker
• Water Channel
• Water Basin
Fodder Cutter (चारा काटने की मशीन)
It is a machine that consists of blades and a rotary shaft (attached together on a frame). It is usually rotated by an engine or an electric motor. It is used to cut fodder, hay into smaller pieces.
Cages (पिंजरे)
A rabbit cage is usually a handheld see-through box that is made of a wire frame. It is used to transport rabbits or to hold them in one place.
Veterinary Equipment (पशुओं में बीमारी की रोक-थाम के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)
It is a collection of medical tools such as syringes, back pumps, collector bags, etc. that are used to prevent diseases in rabbits.
Veterinary Equipment:
• Disposable Syringes
• Multi-Dose Syringes
• Vaccines
• Collector Bag
• Back Pump
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Pyrometer/Thermometer (तापमान नापने वाला उपकरण)
It is a temperature-measuring instrument used to measure the temperature of rabbits. It helps to identify whether rabbits are sick or not.
Dung Management (मल-प्रबंधन)
Dung is the waste produced by rabbits. It can be used as a fertilizer or to generate biogas. Dung management also helps to maintain hygiene inside rabbit farm.
Cleaning Equipment (सफाई करने के लिए उपयोग होने वाले उपकरण)
It is a collection of cleaning equipment such as a broom, rake, sanitizer, water hose pipe, etc. that are used to clean dirt and debris inside the rabbit farm. Explore "Cleaning products for home".
Cleaning equipment:
• Rake
• Sanitizers
• Sprayer
• Broom
• Water Hose Pipe
Temperature Control Device (तापमान नियंत्रण युक्तियाँ)
A temperature control device is used to maintain an ambient temperature inside rabbit farm.
Temperature Control Devices:
• Water Cooler
• Stove (coal or gas powered)
• Electric Heater
Fencing (चारदीवारी)
It is a boundary that is usually made of metal wires or wood. It helps to protect rabbits from predators.
Wheelbarrow (सामग्री ढोने में उपयोग होने वाला उपकरण)
It is a hand-propelled vehicle that consists of a hopper on top of a wheel. It is used to carry hay, fodder, manure, etc. from one place to another.
Gloves (दस्ताने)
Gloves are used to protect the hands from dust, debris, dung, etc.
Boots (जूत)
Boots are used to protect the feet (also lower parts of pants) from dust, dirt, and debris.
Pressure Washer (उच्च दबाव जल प्रक्षेपक धुलाई यंत्र)
It consists of an electric motor and a water pump that releases water at high pressure. It helps to clean sticky debris, dirt, dung, etc.