A flashlight is a source of light. It is usually battery powered. The battery can be a rechargeable battery, solar-powered, or a "use and throw" battery. The flashlight is generally used to get illumination in the dark. But it can be used for various other purposes. Here, we have listed all the basic usage of a flashlight.
Basic Usage of a flashlight
•To Find Something (वस्तुएँ ढूंढने में)
•To Observe, Survey (निरिक्षण, सर्वेक्षण करने में)
•An alternative to the power outage (बिजली के ना होने पर प्रकाश युक्ति के रूप में)
•Signalling and Communication (संकेत देने तथा संचार करने में)
•SOS Call (बचाव संकेत देने में)
•Fire Starter (अग्नि प्रज्वलित करने में)
Other Usage of a flashlight
•Self-Defense (आत्मरक्षा में)
•As a shooting light (गोली चलाते समय लक्ष्य पर प्रकाश डालने में)
•As a glass breaker (काँच, शीशा तोड़ने में)
To Find Something (वस्तुएँ ढूंढने में)
A flashlight can be used in the dark to find:
1. Concerned items
2. Working condition of machinery component (in hard to reach areas)
3. Electric Faults
4. Faults in water supply, drainage pipes, etc.
5. Path, Person, Animal, etc.
To Observe, Survey (निरिक्षण, सर्वेक्षण करने में)
A flashlight can be used in the dark:
1. To observe concerned items, ongoing process, working condition of an item, etc.
2. To survey around the house, garden, garage, farm, path, tent, etc.
An alternative to the power outage (बिजली के ना होने पर प्रकाश युक्ति के रूप में)
In case of a power breakdown or an electric fault, the flashlight can be used as a source of light to illuminate the surroundings.
Signalling and Communication (संकेत देने तथा संचार करने में)
A flashlight can be used in the dark:
1. To signal somebody and get his/her attention
2. To communicate with somebody using Morse Code (a method used in telecommunication using encoded characters)
a). Flashlight ON, count one, Flashlight OFF: "•" ( a dot represents one unit time long)
b). Flashlight ON, count up to three, Flashlight OFF: "–" ( a dash represents a three-unit time long)
SOS Call (बचाव संकेत देने में)
An S.O.S. call is a "Save Our Souls" call (extreme distress signal). It is generally used by ships at sea. But you can use it anywhere on earth (in case of emergency). Morse code for S.O.S. is "• • • – – – • • •".
Fire Starter (अग्नि प्रज्वलित करने में)
A flashlight can be used to start the fire either:
1. using its battery (use a flexible metallic piece and touch it with the "+" and "-" terminal of the battery. It would generate a spark) Or
2. by rubbing any metallic piece with its surface (it would generate a spark).
Self-Defense (आत्मरक्षा में)
A flashlight can be used:
1. To disorient an attacker (A flashlight consists of a high-intensity light bulb. It can distract the focus)
2. To strike the enemy
As a shooting light (गोली चलाते समय लक्ष्य पर प्रकाश डालने में)
A flashlight can be used in the dark for hunting, target practice, etc.
As a glass breaker (काँच, शीशा तोड़ने में)
A flashlight can be used to break glass, car window (in case of emergency), etc.