Although a bachelor's life is not easy or comfortable life. But sometimes we have no choice except to face life as it is. We can make it better. And the only way to make our life a better life is by making things around us better. The products we use every day directly impact our comfortability. So the right product is the key to make our life a better life. We have identified 10 very useful products that can make a bachelor's life easier and comfortable. All the products listed below would always help you no matter the circumstances. And they are also very useful if you are in a family life.
Useful Products for a Bachelor
Victorinox Knife (बहुआयामी चाकू, कैंची, आरी, इत्यादि का समूह)
Laptop/Bed Table (छोटे संगड़क की छोटी मेज)
Fleece Blanket (मुलायम कम्बल)
Hot Water Bottle (सिकाई की बोतल)
Cube Storage (घनाकार पात्रों वाली अलमारी)
Useful Products for a Bachelor
35L Waterproof Bag (३५ लीटर वाला जलरोधक थैला)
Thermos Water Bottle (750ml) (तापनियन्त्रक बोतल)
Power Extension Board (विधुत विस्तारण पटल)
Vacuum Cleaner (हवा को खींचकर सफाई करने वाली मशीन)
Mosquito Net (मछरदानी)
Victorinox Knife (बहुआयामी चाकू, कैंची, आरी, इत्यादि का समूह)
The Victorinox Knife is a multi-tool that serves many purposes like cutting, sewing, screwdriver, bottle opener, and food can opener. It is a very good tool for bachelors.
Laptop/Bed Table (छोटे संगड़क की छोटी मेज)
The portable laptop table or bed table provides comfort while working on the bed. It helps to maintain the posture of the body while sitting on the bed.
Fleece Blanket (मुलायम कम्बल)
The fleece blanket is made from high-quality polyester. It feels very smooth, lightweight, and warm enough to fight the cold.
Hot Water Bottle (सिकाई की बोतल)
The hot water bottle is designed to hold hot water inside and provide warmth outside, while in bed.
Cube Storage (घनाकार पात्रों वाली अलमारी)
A cube storage/wardrobe is a combination of various cubes. Each cube acts as a storage unit. By combining multiple cubes we can make a wardrobe. They are easy to assemble and dismantle.
35L Waterproof Bag (३५ लीटर वाला जलरोधक थैला)
The 35L waterproof rucksack bag is a multi-purpose bag. It can be utilized as a laptop bag, grocery bag, shopping bag, travel bag, etc. The waterproof fabric or a rain cover would help you not to worry about the items stored in your bag.
Thermos Water Bottle (750ml) (तापनियन्त्रक बोतल)
The thermos water bottle is a twin-purpose water bottle. It can serve as a normal water bottle or you can use it to store hot or cold water, juice, coffee, tea, etc.
Power Extension Board (विधुत विस्तारण पटल)
The power extension board is a very useful product. You can extend the power supply from wall-mounted plugs to your table, bedside, or anywhere inside the room.
Vacuum Cleaner (हवा को खींचकर सफाई करने वाली मशीन)
The vacuum cleaner is a very useful product for cleaning purposes. It causes suction to remove debris and dirt from any object, or floor. It provides almost effortless cleaning.
Mosquito Net (मछरदानी)
The mosquito net is a meshed curtain that can be draped over a sleeping area, to protect yourself from mosquito bites.