Basic Products For Tennis Sport

Tennis sport is played with racket and ball by two opposing people on a rectangular court. Here, we have listed all the basic products for tennis sport.

Racket (बल्ला)

A racket consists of an elliptical head (weaved with plastic wire) attached to a handle. It is used to hit the tennis ball.

Ball (गेंद)

A tennis ball consists of a rubber bladder (filled with air) uniformly covered with the felt. It is used to play tennis on the court.

Net (जाल)

It is a fabric that is woven with larger spaces between the yarns. It is used on the court (as a middle line for opposing players).

Poles (स्तंभ)

A pole is a long cylindrical object that is used to tie the net on the tennis court.

Grip (बल्ले पर लगायी जाने वाली पट्टी)

It is a long piece of a strap with a non-slippery surface. It is used to tie around the racket handle to provide a better grip.

Wristband (कलाई पट्टा)

It is a piece of fabric or a hollow cylindrical cloth worn around the wrist. It is used to absorb sweat from the forehead.

Tennis Shoes (टेनिस खेलने के जूते)

Tennis shoes are usually low-ankle shoes with a flat and rugged outsole. These are designed to deal with the rough surface of the tennis court.

Headband (सर पर बाँधने वाली पट्टी)

It is a piece of cloth or a circular strap of cloth. It is worn around the head to absorb sweat while playing tennis.

Water Bottle (पानी की बोतल)

A water bottle is a small handheld water reservoir used to store water.

Towel (तौलिया)

A towel is usually a rectangular soft cloth. It is used to wipe sweat while playing tennis.

First Aid Kit (प्राथमिक चिकित्सा उत्पादों का समूह)

It is a small handheld box or bag that is used to carry medicines to treat minor injuries. Explore "basic products for medical kit".