Basic Products For Concrete Die Casting

Concrete die casting is a process in which liquid concrete (combination of cement, pebbles, drift sand, etc.) is forced into a mold cavity. It is used to form solid concrete objects of desired shapes. Here, we have listed all the basic products for concrete die casting.

Molds (साँचे)

A mold is a cavity, made by compacting the soil. It is made according to the shape of an object. It is used to form liquid concrete into a fixed shape.

Hammer (हथौड़ा)

A hammer is a handheld impact tool. It consists of a straight handle and a weighted head (attached at the front of the handle). It is used to impact a particular area.

Masonry Trowel (चिनाई करने वाली कन्नी)

It is a handheld tool. It consists of a flat metal strip (usually triangular in shape) and a handle. It is used to mix or spread semi-solid material.

Hoe (फावड़ा)

A hoe is a handheld digging tool. It consists of a straight handle and a metallic head. It is used to dig soil, mix semi-solid material, or transfer material from one container to another.

Head Pan (परात)

A headpan is a container (large bowl-shaped). It is used to transport material from one location to another. It is generally carried on top of the head.

Mug (मग्गा)

It is usually a plastic container with an open top. It is used to pour water or semi-solid material from one container to another.

Bucket (बाल्टी)

A bucket is usually a large container with an open top. It is used to contain water, semi-solid material, or to mix materials.

Cement (सीमेंट)

It is usually powdered material. It is used to bind different materials (such as pebbles, bricks, drift sand, etc.).

Material Mixer (सामग्री मिलाने वाला उपकरण)

It is a handheld electrical appliance. It consists of an electric motor and a mixing rod. It is used to mix cement, drift sand, pebbles, etc.

Concrete Float (पलस्तर की सतह को चिकना करने वाला उपकरण)

It is a handheld tool. It consists of a flat board (made of wood or aluminum) and a handle. It is used to smooth out the surface.

Wheelbarrow (चिनाई सामग्री ढोने में उपयोग होने वाला उपकरण)

It consists of a container and a wheel. It is used to transport material from one location to another.

Drill Machine (छेद करने वाली मशीन)

The drill machine consists of an electric motor. It is used to drive drill bits and make holes in concrete.

Mask (नाक व् मुँह ढकने वाला कपड़ा)

It is a piece of fabric. It is used to cover the nose and mouth to protect the respiratory system from dust and other particles.

Safety Goggles (सुरक्षा चश्मा)

Safety goggles are used to protect eyes from dust, debris, etc.

Safety Gloves (सुरक्षा दस्ताने)

Safety gloves are used to protect hands from cement, debris, minor cuts, etc.

Gum Boots (रबर के जूत)

Gum boots are high-ankle boots (usually made of rubber). These are used to protect feet from cement, debris, dust, etc.