Rice farming is the practice of planting, cultivating, and harvesting rice plants. Here, we have listed all the basic products for rice farming.
Essential Products for Rice Farming
Other Useful Products for Rice Farming
Rice Transplanter (चावल की पौध लगाने वाली मशीन)
A rice transplanter consists of a sapling hopper and multiple conveyor belts (both are attached together on a frame). It can be a tractor-mounted transplanter, manual transplanter, or an automatic machine that is used to transplant rice seedlings onto the land.
Fertilizer (उर्वरक)
It is a nutrition-rich material that is used for plants growth. Explore "common types of fertilizer".
Sprayer Machine (फव्वारा छोड़ने वाली मशीन)
A sprayer machine usually consists of a water tank, a sprayer nozzle, a water pump, and backstraps. It can be mounted on the back and used to spray pesticides or fertilizers on the rice plants.
Gloves (दस्ताने)
The gloves are protective hand garments. These are used to protect the hands from dirt, minor cuts, debris, etc.
Tractor (ट्रैक्टर)
It is usually a 4-wheel vehicle that is used for its high torque feature. It is very helpful in farming applications such as cultivation, row-making, transportation of goods, etc.
Cultivator (जुताई करने वाला उपकरण)
The cultivator consists of multiple curved metal jaws or circular discs that are attached together on a frame. It is used in combination with a tractor to cultivate the land.
Harvester (कटाई करने वाली मशीन)
A harvester is a machine that is used to cut the rice plants and store the rice in a storage tank.
Tractor Mounted Sprayer (ट्रैक्टर पर लगाया जाने वाला फव्वारा)
It is a tractor implement that consists of a large water tank, multiple water nozzles, and a water pump (mounted on a frame). It is used to spray fertilizer and pesticides on a large area of the land.
Irrigation System (सिंचाई प्रणाली)
An irrigation system consists of water pipes, water channels, water pumps, and other equipment that are used to irrigate the land. Explore "common types of irrigation system".
Compact Manure Spreader (उर्वरक फैलाने वाला उपकरण)
It is an implement that can be attached to ATV, tractor, etc. It usually consists of a bucket and a rotary plate (attached at the bottom of the bucket) that are mounted on top of wheels. It is used to spread fertilizer, manure evenly on the land.
Soil PH Tester (मिटटी में PH मापने वाला उपकरण)
It is a handheld instrument. It is used to test the acid properties of the soil.
Boots (जूत)
The farming boots are usually high ankle footwear (cover up to the calf). These are used to protect the feet from abrasion, dirt, etc.