Clothing items for any sport should be light-weight, breathable, and quick dry. They should also be durable for rough use. Choosing clothes for camping isn't so easy nowadays. There are lots of clothing types available in the market. You can find leggings, base layer, compressible jackets, hard-core cotton canvas clothes, and many other types of clothes. But for camping purposes, we should consider light-weight, quick-dry, and highly breathable fabric only. We should divide our clothing into layers for camping, mostly into three layers as follows:
1. The first layer or Baselayer: Baselayers are tights, leggings, or normal undergarments we wear every day. We should consider a warm base layer for the winter season.
2. The second layer or Middle layer: Second layer clothing consists of shirts, T-shirts, Pants, Pajamas. The clothes in the second layer come over baselayer clothes. For winter season go for warm shirts, Pants, Pajamas.
3. The third layer or Outer layer: As the name suggests the third layer is the outermost layer of clothes that are directly in contact with the environment. Jackets, Gloves, Caps, Socks are the common items of third layer clothing.
1. The first layer or Baselayer: Baselayers are tights, leggings, or normal undergarments we wear every day. We should consider a warm base layer for the winter season.
2. The second layer or Middle layer: Second layer clothing consists of shirts, T-shirts, Pants, Pajamas. The clothes in the second layer come over baselayer clothes. For winter season go for warm shirts, Pants, Pajamas.
3. The third layer or Outer layer: As the name suggests the third layer is the outermost layer of clothes that are directly in contact with the environment. Jackets, Gloves, Caps, Socks are the common items of third layer clothing.
We have listed below some essential clothing items for camping and clothing items that can be part of your camping kit.
Essential Clothing Items for Camping

Undergarments For

Clothing Items that can be part of Camping kit

T-shirts (टी-शर्ट)
The T-shirts are top-wear clothing. Normally, it has a round neckline and short sleeves. T-shirts are mostly worn in summer.
Shirts (शर्ट)
The shirt is an upper-body garment. Normally, it has a collar neckline and buttons at the front. The shirt is mostly worn by men because of their classical appearance.
Convertible Pants (परिवर्तनीय पैंट्स)
The convertible pants are a bottom-wear garment. It is pants that can be converted into shorts. The pants' lower part (from the knee downwards) is attached to the upper part with a zipper that can easily be removed.
Down Jacket (सिकुड़ सकने वाली जाखट)
The down jackets are puffer jackets. They are filled with down feathers which are highly compressible and lightweight. These are good for camping as they require very little space to store.
Gloves (दस्ताने)
A pair of summer gloves should be with you while camping. It can help your fingers not to get dirty.
Socks (मौजे)
Socks are usually foot covers. For camping, we should consider 2-3 pairs of plain socks. They would be easy to wash and dry in case of sweat and smell.
Summer Cap (गर्मियों की टोपी)
A cap is a head cover. The summer cap provides shade from the sun.
Woolen Cap (सर्दियों की टोपी)
The woolen cap is a head cover. It is generally made of warm fabric and protects the head from cold.
Men's Vest/Tanks (बनयान)
The men's vest is an upper-body garment. It is a sleeveless garment usually worn under the shirt.
Men's Underwear (नर अधोवस्र)
The men's underwear is a bottom-wear garment. It is usually worn under the pants.
Women's Bra (अंतः स्तन वस्त्र)
The Women's bra is an upper-body garment. It provides support to the breasts.
Women's Panties (नारी अधोवस्र)
The Women's panties are bottom-wear garments. It is usually worn as the first layer garment.
Leggings (चुस्त पजामी)
Leggings are known as a base layer. It is an elastic close-fitting garment and a type of leg covering.
Fleece Jacket (मुलायम जाखट)
Fleece are made from soft polyester. It is a warm and cozy fabric. It is lightweight clothing and feels great.
Warm Baselayer (गर्म अंतः कपडे)
Warm baselayers are used as innerwear or the first layer in winter.
Warm Gloves (गर्म दस्ताने)
Warm gloves are hand covers made of wool or warm fabric, mostly used in cold areas or winter.
Waterproof Gloves (जलरोधक दस्ताने)
Waterproof gloves are generally made of waterproof fabric. It is helpful in rain forests or snow areas.
Warm Socks (गर्म मौजे)
Warm socks should be considered for camping in cold or snowy areas. It protects your feet from getting cold and helps you in sub 0°C temperatures.